Why Have One Neutral Financial Professional in Your Divorce?

What I say to the first noted potential clients is that I, as a neutral financial professional, promise them they will know everything financially related to their divorce prior to any decision making.  It is my job to lay out all the assets and debts and income and expenses in simple and understandable form to both clients and any mediator or attorneys.  It is also my job to educate my clients about taxes, tax filing status, health and life insurance, Social Security, pension values, and the consequences of dividing assets that have tax related issues.

Children of Divorce: The Innocent Ones in Custody Battles

A vaccine and effective treatment options were eventually discovered for COVID-19. There is also a “vaccine” and effective treatment remedies available for the “virus” related to divorce conflict and its heavy burden on the children in the family: Collaborative Divorce.

Prenuptial Agreements: 4 Items to Discuss as You Create Your Marriage Success Plan

The time leading up to your wedding will be filled with love, excitement, and optimism. Whether you’ll be keeping things sweet and simple or going big with the ceremony and celebration, I hope you enjoy the fun experience of planning your special day.  So, what role do prenuptial agreements play in this exciting time? Some engaged couples are under the impression that prenuptial agreements lead to an admission that they’ll end up getting divorced. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Am I Receiving the Right Amount of Child Support?

Remember that the right amount of child support, is not always what a computer program comes up with.  The better description might be the amount that will meet the reasonable needs of your children without causing significant detriment to the person paying or receiving it.